
elements i consider for different kinds of projects

branding & naming

strategy - purpose, audience, positioning
visual identity - logo, typography, color palette, imagery
messaging - personality, values, tone, language
guidelines - best practices for using brand elements
adaptation - evolving and expanding strategically


strategy - purpose, goals, visitors, actions, metrics
user experience - needs, preferences, accessibility
visual design - web color palette, typography, imagery
responsiveness - adapting to varying screen sizes
content - information, SEO, integrations
maintenance - updates, broken links, debugging


research - audience, interests, behavior
channels - social media, email, print, merchandise
content - messaging, tone, assets, templates
advertising - influencers, targeted ads, campaigns
engagement - user-generated content, interactions
optimization - ideating, testing, analyzing


client brief - vision, requirements, intended use
scope - deliverables, size, format, resolution, color mode
style - references, mood, color palette
timeline - milestones, deadlines
process - drafts, revisions, approval
usage - licensing, rights


objectives - purpose, goals, audience
planning - research, format, structure, flow
style - clarity, tone, relevance
copyediting - grammar, spelling, accuracy

thought partnership

listening - sharing, establishing trust, aligning goals
documentation - accountability, insights, decisions
critical thinking - perspectives, challenging ideas
reflection - regular reviews, adjustments
action - translating ideas into reality